Enneagram teacher, Author & KEYNOTE SPEAKER

What is the enneagram?

The Enneagram is a centuries old tradition that describes nine personality-based approaches to life.Focusing on motivation, rather than behavior, the Enneagram helps us discern both our brokenness and our path toward healing. By understanding our Enneagram type (one of nine numbers, 1-9), we begin a lifelong journey of spiritual work to move beyond episodic meaning and inherited patterns of behavior to wholeness and transformation. Hunter's teaching style is winsome, conversational, and based in the narrative tradition of storytelling.

Your Enneagram Number, and the passion it reflects, represents your false self which is protecting your true self and the precious virtue within.

Are you ready to pursue transformation through Enneagram wisdom?

  • Your Enneagram number represents your false self--the self that protects, hides, and covers your truest essence within. Each of the nine Enneagram types are adaptations, or masks that we wear, that project the opposite of what's truest about us. Your Enneagram number is the best language we have to describe to yourself and to others how your personality leads you to perceive and respond to all of life's situations. Tests can be helpful, but the traditional way of discovering your Enneagram number is to immerse yourself in a long-form description (either written or oral) of all nine Enneagram types and allow your own inner guidance to direct you toward the discovery of which number describes your personality the best. 

  • The Enneagram is a personality system describing nine

    different ways of seeing and responding to the world. The

    Enneagram stands alongside many helpful personality tools

    and inventories, like Myers-Briggs, StrengthsFinder, DISC,

    and Birkman. 

    The name Enneagram simply puts two Greek words

    together: ennea, meaning “nine,” and gram, meaning “figure.” So, the Enneagram is a figure with nine numbers

    around it, representing nine distinct personality styles.

    The Enneagram comes to us cloaked in mystery. We don’t

    have a clear origin point or a linear arc of how the personality

    theory developed. Instead, the Enneagram is a tool that has developed

    and spread from teacher to student through many centuries.

    We believe the tool began through the work of Evagrius

    Ponticus, specifically through the language of his nine passions,

    and students of his who came later. The Enneagram was not

    developed in a methodical, organized way. Enneagram wisdom

    has no universal authority. From Ponticus to Pope Gregory I

    to Sufi Muslims to desert mothers and fathers trying to live

    out a reimagined Christianity outside of the Roman Empire,

    to the work in South America of Oscar Ichazo and Claudio

    Naranjo, to the Catholic order where Ichazo first taught the Enneagram in California in the 1970s, to a spiritual director of Father Richard Rohr, to his spiritual directee Suzanne Stabile, to her apprentice Hunter Mobley—the Enneagram comes to us in this complex, old-fashioned way.

  • The Enneagram gives us language to tell the truth about ourselves with the goal of managing our personalities better so that they stop managing us.

Real Transformation


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InspirING PEOPLE & EncouragING Them To Take Action on their enneagram


KEynote topics

Interested in Booking hunter To teach?

  • An "Enneagram Know Your Number" teaching event introduces participants to the Enneagram, a personality system with nine types. It helps individuals identify their core number, understand motivations, behaviors, and growth paths. Through engaging discussions and self-reflection, attendees gain tools for self-awareness, improved relationships, and personal or spiritual development.

  • An "Enneagram Passions and Virtues" teaching event delves into how passions reflect the false self—emotional patterns opposite to our true nature—and how virtues represent our essence or true self. Each passion and virtue are opposites, offering insight into transforming reactive habits into authentic living. It fosters profound self-awareness and growth.

  • An "Enneagram Subtypes or Instinctual Variants" teaching event explores how core instincts—self-preservation, social, and one-to-one—shape each Enneagram type's behavior. Understanding these subtypes deepens self-awareness and reveals how instinctual priorities impact relationships. By recognizing differences, participants gain tools to enhance empathy, communication, and connection.

  • An "Enneagram Wisdom and Contemplative Spirituality" teaching event explores how the Enneagram's insights and contemplative practices intersect, guiding transformation and the recovery of our true self. These wisdom traditions animate one another, fostering awareness, inner stillness, and spiritual growth. Participants discover practical tools for deeper connection, authenticity, and personal renewal.



podcast coming soon

Stay tuned for my new Enneagram podcast arriving in 2025!

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